Saturday, December 13, 2008

Time for Change?

After this past political season where the popular mantra was change just for change sake, I wonder can this mantra apply to our current economy.

The Big 3 GM (T-Rex), Ford (Triceratops), and Chrysler (Brontosaurus) want our hard earned tax dollars to bail them out of their own incompetence.
I want to officially adopt the Change mantle and yell it as loud as possible to all who can hear, or in this case read. This isn't change for change sake. This is change for survival.

We, presumably as a country, consider ourselves capitalists. In our capitalist society we understand that not every business will succeed indefinitely. That is until this last political season. I do believe that bankruptcy laws were formed to help deal with this very issue.

Businesses that have problems competing in the current economy have the 3 choices. The first is usually to borrow more money to get through the rough patch or the corollary would be to downsize to minimize expenses. The second would be to just plain quit. The third would be to adapt your business model to better meet the needs of the consumer.
The Big 3 Dinosaurs are hell bent on choosing number one but the only bank big enough, and dumb enough, to lend (give) them money is our extremely socialist leaning government.

I do agree that going out of business would be disastrous for our economy and most likely would affect the world economy for the foreseeable future.
Any respectable profit seeking bank would demand that a potential borrower show the ability to pay the money back to the bank (U.S. taxpayers) To accomplish this the Big 3 will need adapt their business model. With all this emphasis on "going green" these days, why can't the government see the folly of propping up an old business model based upon a technology that collectively contributes to the harm of our own planet? Why?!!!

In one of my previous posts, titled 'Bye Bye Dinosaurs', I linked to Thomas Friedman's column about this very problem. Please read it and inform yourself and act. Write your congressman and senators to tell them of what you have found. Don't get me started on the Dinosaurs Union, or DUh! They would rather kill the goose that laid the golden egg rather than to help it survive and keep those golden eggs coming.

Is it time for a change? Hell yes it is! Change or go extinct dinosaurs!

1 comment:

  1. This is a real dilemma. I could cave on the bailout if they were required to produce flex fuel vehicles that allow us to transition to other fuels later, and forces oil to compete NOW.
