Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Verse of the Day

If you read me everyday I'll keep you from sin, If you do not, it will be sin that keeps you from me.-- The Holy Bible

2 Timothy 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

God Bless You!

Twitterations Digest

  • 08:35 Good morning Twitterites! #
  • 08:39 Just took my 7th mugshot! #
  • 08:50 I am reading @FrankViola 's blog. Very interesting. #
  • 09:59 Amen !RT @crazeegeekchick: Well I appreciate follower love either way - just not sure what value-add I can provide to marketers, brokers ... #
  • 10:10 Is that all 3 together at the same time? RT @crazeegeekchick: Chocolate Wine and Tea help boost brain performance #
  • 10:12 @sidburgess Watch out its going around. No one in the office. Apparently they are all at the Dr. #
  • 10:13 @tbazley Thats funny! When my son was little I felt the same way about Barney! He's 15 now. (different worries now) #
  • 10:17 Say goodbye to your keyboard/mouse with OCZ's Brain Mouse #
  • 11:44 Really nice for a change, but only temporarily till reality. RT @guykawasaki: This topic is doing very well: #
  • 12:20 Listening to FlyCast 1.FM Back 2 80s. Works great on my BB Storm. #
  • 12:35 For all you Gator fans a daily news digest from Go Gators!!! #
  • 12:58 It is pretty nice weather here in Florida. RT @jcroft: Hi, Florida. I like your weather. #
  • 14:43 Very Cool!! RT @acmaurer: Cool! Looks like some foods have greater nutritional value when eaten together #
  • 15:47 TwitExplorer is the fastest way to expand your friends network on Twitter and increase your visibility #
  • 15:49 Working out my Twitter obsession. Must feed the beast! #
  • 16:28 Library of Congress will preserve "The Terminator" #
  • 16:41 Where ya been today? RT @jose3030: y'all miss me today? ;) #
  • 16:55 Great article!! RT @LizzHarmon: Twitter is her village: #
  • 16:57 Sad! RT @BreakingNewz: Gary Coleman has habit of police involvement #
  • 17:00 RT @TracyKarol: @MedC2 It's pissing me off how Hamas terrorists are made out as martyrs in our own country. Does anyone remember 9/11? S ... #
  • 17:09 FOTFL ! RT @ryandeiss: This guy gets it (Scroll down and watch his video...VERY funny stuff.) #
  • 17:23 Time to go home. Later Tweeters! #
  • 17:24 @tbazley Definitely pick the Gator related book #
  • 17:37 @jacobm disastrous #
  • 19:00 Is voting for your avatar in Twitter Avatar Combat at #avatarcombat #
  • 19:18 Just played Twitter Avatar Combat for a while. #
  • 20:46 Is voting for your avatar in Twitter Avatar Combat at #avatarcombat #
  • 21:27 @repjam Not an alumnus but son of a 3rd generation FL alumnus. Also a Gville native. Go Gators!!!! #
  • 22:04 RT @RicGator: @JamieGator GO GATORS!!!!! #
  • 22:17 If you ain't a Gator you're Gator Bait!! RT @RicGator: @JamieGator Oklahoma is gator Bait! #
  • 22:20 Excellent mandatory reading for all of us unhappy conservatives. A letter crafted by @mgallops #
  • 22:20 @RicGator Orange!! #
  • 22:22 @HuskyHiker Geocaching sounds like lots of fun. Where do you find them listed? #
  • 22:23 @RicGator I'm so pumped! Can't wait for the game next week. Should be a great game. Next week will be very Gator obnoxious. :) #
  • 22:32 Ore. woman, 88, gives naked intruder the 'squeeze' (OW!!!) #
  • 22:34 @TracyKarol I seem to remember Texas pulling an upset of #3 Nebraska to clear the way for a FL - FL State rematch for FLs 1st Natl Champ #
  • 22:35 @TracyKarol Maybe someday the Gators will get a chance to return the favor. For now beating the Sooners will have to do. #
  • 22:41 @HuskyHiker Thanks! #
  • 22:42 Please forgive me for the next week or so. I will have my Orange and Blue glasses on. Go Gators!! #
  • 22:46 Here it comes: Tim Tebow CAN touch MC Hammer. #
  • 22:47 There are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, Tim Tebow lives in Florida. #
  • 22:48 Superman's only weakness is Kryptonite. Tim Tebow laughs at Superman for having a weakness. #
  • 23:27 @TracyKarol On behalf of the State of Florida, we will join your secession bid to monopolize all the football talent in the USA. #
  • 23:29 Goodnight Twitterites! #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Verse of the Day

I think I'll try something new for the blog to make sure that I am reading my Bible each day. My grandmother Erma gave me a Bible that was inscribed with a poem that my Great Grandfather had in his Bible and has been passed down to each member of my family.

'If you read me everyday I'll keep you from sin, If you do not, it will be sin that keeps you from me.' The Holy Bible

So each day I will try to pick a verse of the day.

Today's verse is: Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Jesus Christ who strengthens me.

God Bless!

Twitterations Digest

  • 07:57 Just took my 6th mugshot! #
  • 07:59 Good morning Twitterites! #
  • 08:57 Is Barack really a magic Negro? #
  • 09:11 RT @bettydraper: Buffing Don's briefcase. #
  • 09:18 @duswalk Just rebel! Refuse until after your new year's eve hangover is gone. #
  • 10:17 How long till the Royal Navy is dead in the water due to a Windows update? #
  • 10:50 I just joined the biblegeek Twitter Group and you can too. Please Retweet. #
  • 10:53 I just joined the blogs Twitter Group and you can too. Please Retweet. #
  • 11:02 I just joined the uf Twitter Group and you can too. Please Retweet. #
  • 11:07 I just joined the hit Twitter Group and you can too. Please Retweet. #
  • 12:34 I just joined the tweetdeck Twitter Group and you can too. Please Retweet. #
  • 12:36 I just joined the twitpic Twitter Group and you can too. Please Retweet. #
  • 12:36 I just joined the twitteraddicts Twitter Group and you can too. Please Retweet. #
  • 12:37 I just joined the mrtweet Twitter Group and you can too. Please Retweet. #
  • 12:37 I just joined the p90x Twitter Group and you can too. Please Retweet. #
  • 12:39 I just joined the tcot Twitter Group and you can too. Please Retweet. #
  • 12:40 I just joined the floridagop Twitter Group and you can too. Please Retweet. #
  • 12:41 I just joined the fringe Twitter Group and you can too. Please Retweet. #
  • 12:45 Calling a Gator Twitters! Join the Gator Twitters group #
  • 15:11 @2bigalo Exactly. I consider myself conservative but not stupid or racist. The Republicans leadership has no clue hence the election. #
  • 15:18 If Celebrities Were Energy Drinks… #
  • 15:56 @wolfidy Hey how's it going? Like the late night cooking blog! #
  • 16:05 Florida has joined the PowerBall lottery. #
  • 18:47 Check out @Slandr: Great mobile twitter - site! With replies, dm, geo, events, search and more! #
  • 20:35 watching Science channel 'Future Life On Earth' #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

Monday, December 29, 2008

Is Barack Really a Magic Negro?

Since the song 'Barack the Magic Negro' was included in a compilation CD by conservative comedian Paul Shanklin, the question comes to mind 'Is Barack Really a Magic Negro?'. This CD was given to RNC members as a gift from Republican National Committee member Chip Saltsman. What were they thinking?

Back to the question at hand, is Barack really a magic Negro? I would have to say that I have not seen actual physical evidence of this as of yet. However, I never thought I would see a black President in my lifetime. (This was somewhat magical) Did I have too little faith in America or did I just witness magic in this last election cycle. Is it magic that he came from a single mom family and got elected as President of the United States?

The real magic will start on January 20, 2009. With the economy seemingly in the tank, will Barack be able to pull a rabbit out of his hat (or other hiding place)? Will he be able to keep the extreme left wing of his party happy when he ends up being more centrist and signs no meaningful legislation in the next two years? Will the press just magically keep accepting every explanation without investigation as they have done for the last year? That would be real magic.

I would say that I do not prescribe to the theory that Barack is a Magic Negro. However, he does have the potential to grow into the role. By the way I have a question that no one seems to want to answer, If Barack Obama is half black and half white why is he only referred to as black? Doesn't this seem a slight bit racist, the old theory that it only takes a little coffee to soil the cream. Why can't Barack be referred to as he is? A person of mixed race heritage. Will we ever get over race as a primary identifier? Can't a person's character and track record be the defining points of a person?

Twitterations Digest

  • 10:09 Just took my 5th mugshot! #
  • 10:10 Good morning Twitterites! #
  • 13:10 Painting again. Listening to Security Now podcast. Good as always. #
  • 16:49 @Spinwhiz Good Morning back at ya. Been painting most of the day and away from TwitterLand. I think I'm becoming addicted to tweets. #
  • 17:15 @joeschmitt From what I have read most of the '76 Bucs don't wish this record on anyone. #
  • 17:18 Please everyone help @astrospace overtake @britneyspears. Just a small gesture to putting things in this life in their proper order. #
  • 17:20 @queenoftheclick $1.72 here in Gville. #
  • 17:26 RT @RightGirl: Finished my article on acne. Just kept picking at it till it was done. Ba dum bum! #
  • 17:27 @steph_rose LOL!!! #
  • 17:36 You experienced the TwitterForce! Resistance is futile! RT @beloit08: I was doing something else when I came in here. Now...what was it? #
  • 18:18 Shopping for groceries. Going for the boring tweet! #
  • 18:52 RT @ItIsShaggy: How bout them cowboysGo Gators!!! #
  • 18:54 Go Gators!!!! RT @the_JK: At the Gator basketball game. UF is starting off strong! #
  • 19:13 I can't believe the Cowboys were owned today by the Eagles. Its going to be a rough off season for the boys. #
  • 19:21 Any relations? RT @JanSimpson: @Jamiegator - no no - you have it wrong - they are owned by Jessica Simpson - the Eagles gave her lots of ... #
  • 19:23 Upgrading my BB Storm OS. Crossing my fingers all goes well. #
  • 19:23 Congrats AFC East Champs the Miami Dolphins #
  • 19:28 @JanSimpson I had no hope for the Dolphins. I'm shocked they managed to hide all the weed in S. FL from Ricky. Don't doubt the tuna!! #
  • 19:39 @jose3030 Thanks! #
  • 20:22 @jose3030 upgrade went well. This was my 3rd since buying the Storm. has been a good resource. Thanks! #
  • 22:26 @jamiegator got a Twitter Grade of 95/100 from @grader. See: #
  • 22:33 RT @RicGator: RT @bloombergbiz: Crude Oil Rises After Israeli Attacks on Gaza Roil Middle East - Bloomberg: DRILL HERE DRILL NOW #TCOT # ... #
  • 23:10 Jacob Hester is awesome! #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Twitterations Digest

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Saturday, December 27, 2008

Twitterations Digest

  • 08:13 Just took my 3rd mugshot! #
  • 08:16 Good morning Twitterlings! #
  • 08:17 Looking forward to having dinner with @markconey and his wife Kim tonight. Gotta celebrate her new job!! #
  • 08:27 Listening to the bible on igoogle home page #
  • 08:35 Amen!!!! RT @tw3nty3ight: Note to self - Never work the day after Christmas again.... #
  • 08:48 @tw3nty3ight Can't say I'm getting much work done. #
  • 09:06 Checkout @tw3nty3ight's blog. I posted a comment about brightkite there. #
  • 09:14 @tw3nty3ight Glad to point out good blogs. #
  • 09:15 Listening to FlyCast .977 The 80s channel. 'Walking on Sunshine' by Katrina and The Waves. #
  • 10:06 I must admit 'I'm walking on Sunshine' is a good song. Hard to admit for a rock guy. Love the 80s! RT @jdadio: @JamieGator Great Pop song #
  • 10:12 @Spinwhiz Depends on what you want to do with it. If email and communication is your focus then BBStorm. If cools apps are then iPhone! #
  • 10:31 Have you been Twitterfied? #
  • 10:31 RT @FlyCastMobile: RT @Rex7: Top Twitter Apps in Year 2008 - #
  • 10:38 Do You Tweet from a Mobile Device? [POLL] #
  • 10:39 @conehead68 Are you running right now? #
  • 10:44 For some reason at work FlyCast keeps dropping off. I have switched to Pandora at work and FlyCast on my BB Storm. #
  • 10:50 @Jamiegator got a Twitter Grade of 94/100 from @grader. See: #
  • 12:18 @FlyCastMobile I'm now listening to 1.FM Back 2 80s channel. I'll let you know how it goes. #
  • 14:14 favo - The smart bookmark management tool. #
  • 14:35 Did you? RT @conehead68: I think I just bought a new motorcycle #
  • 14:42 RT @BerryReporter: BB OS 5.0 Leaked Features!!: I hope everyone had a nice Christmas or holiday, I know I did. #
  • 15:01 my Twitterank is 66.38! #
  • 16:17 is doing Twitter mainenance. #
  • 16:34 CIA Uses Viagra in War on Terror!! #
  • 16:43 Grease Monkey is awesome.!! RT @rww: How to: Start Using Greasemonkey in Under 5 Minutes #
  • 16:46 Police: 'Missing' Florida Baby Never Existed #
  • 18:02 Waiting on @markconey and wife at Lafiesta #
  • 18:02 Drinking beer #1 #
  • 18:03 Drinking beer #2 #
  • 20:07 is at Alley Gaterz bowling and drinking beer! #
  • 20:50 @duswalk u should be here fur! #
  • 21:38 @conehead68 no hot chicks here bro! Have another beer! #
  • 21:38 Yes! #
  • 21:56 - mark&kim.jpg #
  • 21:57 @lynnterry happens to me all the time. But I still love tweetdeck! #
  • 21:57 - julie&me.jpg #
  • 22:43 @duswalk you know the firepit isn't under the tree anymore. #
  • 23:29 Republicans are blinded by love ( and I'm glad) #
  • 23:29 RT @conehead68: That is why @jamiegator is my best friend. Only we can pull of Margaritaville Metalica style in a karaoke bar. It was aw ... #
  • 23:31 @conehead68 Goodnight fkr! It was awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

Friday, December 26, 2008

CIA Uses Viagra in War on Terror

Little Blue Pills Among the Ways CIA Wins Friends in Afghanistan

By Joby Warrick
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, December 26, 2008

The Afghan chieftain looked older than his 60-odd years, and his bearded face bore the creases of a man burdened with duties as tribal patriarch and husband to four younger women. His visitor, a CIA officer, saw an opportunity, and reached into his bag for a small gift.

Four blue pills. Viagra ....CLICK FOR MORE

New BB OS 5.0

The folks at have got a preview of BlackBerry OS 5.0

Here are some new features:
  • Flag messages and set reminder times on your BlackBerry.
  • View personal contact subfolders and edit contacts! Until now BES used to put all of your contacts into the Contacts application even if they were in different folders.
  • You will be able to view and use contacts that are in public folders and copy them to your local contact list if you have permissions. ............CLICK FOR MORE


Have you been Twitterfied?

As you can see on my blog I have been inundated with Twitterations lately. I have gotten the Twitter bug with a vengeance. I find myself constantly looking for things to Twitter. Time to lean is time to Tweet. I have awakened to find myself a Twitter evangelizer. Even writing this post I have had to stop 3 times already to Twitter. Just today I was perusing TweetDeck and reading all the Tweets this morning and found an article on Top Twitter Apps in 2008 .
I promptly installed Tweetr that was mentioned in the article. (By the way Tweetr is a pretty cool Twitter app. It allows for uploading of files and it converts the url of the file into a short url, perfect for Twitter file sharing.) Just wish I could find one desktop app that has all the features that I want and one BlackBerry App that has full Twitter functionality for my new BlackBerry Storm.

Do you find yourself twittering more and more? Please feel free to comment if you do.

Twitterations Digest

  • 08:14 Merry Christmas Twitterites! #
  • 08:21 Just took my 2nd mugshot! #
  • 08:37 Its present opening time. Yeah!! #
  • 09:45 - santas_little_helper.jpg #
  • 09:48 - mom_dad_derick_nina.jpg #
  • 12:46 Got mine!! Merry Christmas!! RT @crackberry: 5,000 More FREE Copies of Email Alerts! Grab Them Fast!!! #
  • 16:06 Watching the Duggars on Discovery channel. 18 kids!!!! #
  • 16:17 @jamiegator got a Twitter Grade of 92/100 from @grader. See: #
  • 17:22 Is Print News relevant still? #
  • 17:24 Love the shirt.! RT @jeffisageek: My "textually active" tshirt #
  • 19:31 Doing Twitter maintenance. #
  • 19:45 @RicGator Love the Soviet Obama Republic Logo!! #
  • 19:47 Its a great movie. RT @tabpierce: Watching the Last Mimzy with my daughter, it's a really good movie. I may need to rewatch it and pay ... #
  • 19:49 LOL!!! RT @lizstrauss: @chrispirillo is also up for the role of C3P0 #
  • 19:53 Watching the Celtics lose to the Lakers. #
  • 20:28 Great site! RT @sarahcooley: just was clued in to and it is AMAZING! #
  • 20:45 Reading my Bible. #
  • 23:22 Good night all and God bless! #
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Thursday, December 25, 2008

Twitterations Digest

  • 06:26 Good morning Twitterites! #
  • 07:46 Time to rock the KrispyKreme doughnuts! #
  • 08:20 @markconey Its an evil plot. #
  • 08:21 Merry Christmas to all in in the Twittersphere! #
  • 10:20 I've wasted 7,680 Seconds or 128 Minutes or 2.13 Hours or 0.09 Days with 256 Tweets on Twitter! #
  • 10:23 No not to bad. New Years resolution: More Tweets. More Tweets! RT @wkossen: @JamieGator not that bad, ay? #
  • 10:54 RT @grantmichaels: why am i working, again? #
  • 13:34 Never fails. Christmas Eve an SQL server loses drives and has to be restored. Merry Christmas! #
  • 14:02 free at last! #
  • 15:26 Looking for last minute gifts at the mall. It is insane! #
  • 16:23 Escaped the mall. Stopping at Heavenly Ham for Christmas dinner. #
  • 18:39 let the christmas games begin at the in-laws #
  • 20:50 - jordan_openings_skateboard.jpg #
  • 20:50 - daniel.jpg #
  • 20:53 - marksdream.jpg #
  • 20:53 - julie_fake_grin.jpg #
  • 20:54 - jordan_aunt_rosie.jpg #
  • 20:56 - jordan_bldg_skateboard.jpg #
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Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Twitterations Digest

  • 09:54 Belated Good Morning Twitterites! #
  • 13:24 - Bacon! #
  • 13:27 - #
  • 13:33 Sock and Awe #
  • 14:24 RT @jamesdickey: Three Types of Twitter Spammers: How many more are there? What do you think? Please ReTweet. #
  • 14:25 Listening to .97 The 80s channel - playing U2's With or Without You #
  • 14:25 RT @FlyCastMobile: @FlyCastMobile is ranked 30,164 on, and 31 in Pennsylvania! ( ... #
  • 14:26 RT @guykawasaki: Ancient Bowls Used to Snort Hallucinogens Discovered in Caribbean:Archaeologists digging around the Caribbean .. http:/ ... #
  • 14:30 @JamieGator is ranked 65,009 on, and 2 in Gainesville! #
  • 14:55 Listening to FlyCast .977 The 80s channel - Hall & Oates - I Can't Go for That (1982) #
  • 14:55 Thanks! RT @LesleyLambert: @JamieGator good stuff! #
  • 14:58 And the hits keep on coming - Kool and the Gang - Joanna (1983) - on FlyCast .977 The 80s #
  • 16:47 Go Gators!! #
  • 17:19 Time to go home! #
  • 19:07 Solving crosswords make my head hurt #
  • 19:48 @markconey Geek Stalker! #
  • 20:46 @chrispirillo Very Nice. Have a Merry Christmas! #
  • 21:06 Mrs. Claus Finally Speaks! #
  • 21:07 Watching the best Christmas movie ever. White Christmas with Bing Crosby on abc family #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Twitterations Digest

  • 07:22 Good morning Twitterites! #
  • 07:31 Listening to .977 the 80s on FlyCast #
  • 08:18 Working on my twitter background #
  • 11:05 (Moe's Rocks!!) RT @ChrisShort: Lunch at Moe's on Wendover in Greensboro, NC at about 1230. #
  • 11:07 @crazeegeekchick They do realize this is F-off week. Nothing meaninful will be accomplished until after the NewYears hangover is cured. #
  • 11:08 @crazeegeekchick Glad to see corporate speak is alive and well. #
  • 13:55 RT @ItIsShaggy: LolGo Gators!!! #
  • 13:57 Very funny!! RT @feliciaday: OMG I love this xmas video, thanks Omer for the link! #
  • 14:04 Listening to Radio Paradise on FlyCast - Dire Straits - Skateaway #
  • 14:08 RT @Jim207: Need more coffee........ #
  • 14:27 Best cuban in Gville - #
  • 14:56 Now listening to Chaka Khan - I feel for You on FlyCast .977 80s channel #
  • 15:13 @crazeegeekchick Did the get you? #
  • 16:59 Its been a long day. Time to go home. #
  • 19:32 RT @DutchStiphout: FoxNews just reported that the 1st tweet of its kind occured seconds aftr 737 crash @ DIA: "Holy f***ing s**t, I was ... #
  • 19:42 The top 5 words I've tweeted: twitter, good, twitterites, morning, rt. #
  • 20:10 @clint48 Precisely why you belong here. #
  • 20:11 @clavero17 Were they being chased by security? (Just kidding) #
  • 21:15 Go Alex Brown - Chicago Bears - another interception. #
  • 22:54 Goodnight Twitterites! #
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Monday, December 22, 2008

Best cuban in Gville -

Sunday, December 21, 2008


In This Time of Economic Uncertainty

At this time of year I always feel the tug of public peer pressure to give to those in need. Despite my giving to the United Way directly from my salary every 2 weeks, and sponsoring a child through Compassion, I feel I should do more. With that in mind I am so heartened by the giving and charity of those with great means. As much as I am an admirer of Bill Gates for his professional accomplishments, I am sure that he and his wife Melinda will be remembered more for their charitable contributions to the world. I googled their foundation, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and found a wikipedia entry that illustrates why this may be one of the most successful charities of all time. I think I will start checking out what other leaders of the world's most successful companies are giving.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Archive Footage of Steve Irwin

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

This is just funny!

See Apple Sucks Too!!

I like to consider myself objective when it comes to technology. Evaluating operating systems, phones, software etc. usually means I understand the trade offs of certain OSs versus others. Given that I am posting today with a little less objectivity than usual. (I'm sure this will piss off my MacHead friends)

I am just so happy to see that Apple is having their own issues. (See next paragraph) Very similar to what Microsoft has been experiencing for years.

The blue screen has typically been the unofficial Windows logo, at least in and around Macintosh circles. But this morning, users of Mac OS X have been reporting a number of problems, most of which fall into the same category, and some of which are leaving users' computers booting up with nothing on their screens but a field of blue.

"my mac pro has startup issues since update: after login i can only see a blue screen," reads one complaint posted to Apple's support forum early this morning.Many of the problems reported since yesterday appear to be with the software updater version of the rollup package.

I want all tech companies to succeed but I am quite tired of the smugness of all the Apple commercials. Way to take it on the chin.
By the way while I am ranting, I will boil down the Apple vs Windows debate.

With the first you get a great piece of hardware with a great OS that will run everything that Apple certifies to run on it. If it breaks you will have to use their official parts to have it fixed. Their parts are not universal with other computer manufacturers so you will pay more for them. (This is beginning to change since they adopted Intel processors and boards, although they insist on special non-standard versions) For that matter to work on one is a very painful process so go ahead and send it back to Apple or find an authorized Apple repair person. Biggest plus for Apple is reliability of the hardware. Biggest negative for Apple is flexibility of hardware.

With the second you get an Operating System that can be used on 1000s of different computers that are made by 1000s of computer manufacturers. Or even computers that you make yourself. The parts follow industry standards and even you can work on your computer. The Operating System will work with thousands of more varied systems that Apple could ever dream of. Biggest plus for Windows is flexibility of hardware. Biggest negative is the reliability of the hardware.

Bottom line is that Apple is a hardware company that makes an Operating System just to sell more hardware. Microsoft is a software company that makes an Operating System that is flexible enough to be installed on 1000s of different configurations. Which company is more open and flexible with regards to hardware interoperability with the operating system? It would have to be Microsoft.

Both companies have their plusses and minuses. The more popular Apple becomes the more issues that will come to light with their operating system.

I could go on for days....... Maybe one day I will post my definitive Apple vs. Microsoft blog posting.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Time for Change?

After this past political season where the popular mantra was change just for change sake, I wonder can this mantra apply to our current economy.

The Big 3 GM (T-Rex), Ford (Triceratops), and Chrysler (Brontosaurus) want our hard earned tax dollars to bail them out of their own incompetence.
I want to officially adopt the Change mantle and yell it as loud as possible to all who can hear, or in this case read. This isn't change for change sake. This is change for survival.

We, presumably as a country, consider ourselves capitalists. In our capitalist society we understand that not every business will succeed indefinitely. That is until this last political season. I do believe that bankruptcy laws were formed to help deal with this very issue.

Businesses that have problems competing in the current economy have the 3 choices. The first is usually to borrow more money to get through the rough patch or the corollary would be to downsize to minimize expenses. The second would be to just plain quit. The third would be to adapt your business model to better meet the needs of the consumer.
The Big 3 Dinosaurs are hell bent on choosing number one but the only bank big enough, and dumb enough, to lend (give) them money is our extremely socialist leaning government.

I do agree that going out of business would be disastrous for our economy and most likely would affect the world economy for the foreseeable future.
Any respectable profit seeking bank would demand that a potential borrower show the ability to pay the money back to the bank (U.S. taxpayers) To accomplish this the Big 3 will need adapt their business model. With all this emphasis on "going green" these days, why can't the government see the folly of propping up an old business model based upon a technology that collectively contributes to the harm of our own planet? Why?!!!

In one of my previous posts, titled 'Bye Bye Dinosaurs', I linked to Thomas Friedman's column about this very problem. Please read it and inform yourself and act. Write your congressman and senators to tell them of what you have found. Don't get me started on the Dinosaurs Union, or DUh! They would rather kill the goose that laid the golden egg rather than to help it survive and keep those golden eggs coming.

Is it time for a change? Hell yes it is! Change or go extinct dinosaurs!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Mozilla makes Firefox 3.1 Beta 2 available

From Beta News:

The public beta of Mozilla's first Web browser to incorporate a private browsing mode, is being made available to the general public today, although as before, the organization has yet to make it official.

Firefox 3.1 Beta 2 does feature private browsing mode, in the no-frills packaging that developers have promised. In this mode, browsing history, cookies, and other traces of where the user has been, are not recorded for the duration of the session. In our earliest glimpses of this feature under Beta 2, we've found it to be functional; and it was actually working quite well in some of the earlier private developer builds.

There had been some discussion about how to characterize private browsing as an icon. As of Beta 2, Mozilla's artists have chosen to go with a clever, 19th century formal mask icon, like something you'd find in a masquerade ball. This could help the feature evade its current characterization elsewhere in the press as "porn mode." When the user is first notified, she'll see a "Clear Browsing History" button that will also help her erase some traces of pages she may have discovered earlier, that led her to decide to go private now.

more continued........

DumbAss Alabama Fan

Warning NSFW!!!!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Tim Tebow says Bring It On!

Tim Tebow says "Bring It On" or "I'll gut you". Just ask FSU!
All these BCS experts are giving me the hives. My Florida Gators should be in the Championship Game by any reasonable person's logic. If they are not it would be a travesty. They have earned it. The SEC Champ with one loss should be automatic into the Championship Game.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

SEC Champs Once Again!!!

All hail the Florida Gators SEC Champs and next National Champion once more!!!!!
Florida defeats Alabama 31-20 once again.